Ms. Helen Tse 私人長笛導師, 樂理,六年以上豐富教授經驗,可以英語授課 聖三一學院專業教師雙演奏文憑, 主修長笛演奏 ​Teacher s qualifications (專業資歷):​ Bachelor of Arts (Music) The Chinese University of Hong Kong Postgraduate Diploma of Education (Mus

如學員於首2期課程仍未學懂泳術將獲免費補課 , 承諾包學識以正確泳姿游泳達15米 ~

IGCSE(GCSE) Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics / A-level and IB Chemistry
A教學進修 / 補習Alice Chung

香港大學文學院學士 (主修英文/翻譯)​ 中文大學性別研究碩士 五年以上英文補習經驗 曾幫助不少副學士學生進入心儀大學(本人代寫的論文,personal statement均獲A/A-),協助大學生應付大學功課。 不少學生升往心儀院校,如美國University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),英國London School of Economics (LSE
教學進修 / 補習Izzy Chan

英國倫敦皇家音樂學院 |鋼琴演奏碩士| 香港演藝學院 |音樂系學士|

One-to-one private french classes/ 一對一私人法語課程 - From Beginner to Advanced level --- for your personal interests, preparation for exams/ relocation, daily business communication, or even to supplement
J教學進修 / 語言課程Jean Francois

show you a way to learn chinese easily! I am originally from Northern China and Mandarin is my mother language. Received Certificate of National Chinese Language Committee in 2005. I went to study
教學進修 / 補習Anna LI(李老师)

1. Economics經濟, BAFS補習, BAFS(Acc) 補習, BAFS Management, 通識補習Liberal Studies 5**級補習老師 / 私人補習 2. 前Band 1中學任教Economics, BAFS, 通識科, 該校為全香港Top 5 (通識科33%人以上Level 5 or the above) 3.
c設計 / 產品設計chriswongdsetutorial

English class by native english speaker
s教學進修 / 補習starleague20181

Freelance中英文翻譯及校對服務( Freelance Chinese & English Translation & Proofreading Services)
F商業 / 翻譯Freddie Chan

IGCSE, GCE, IB, MYP, IAL, AL 及DSE物理及數學科 耐性 精補 資深女老師

Cynthia Ke是音樂文憑大提琴導師,現提供專業私人大提琴課程,現於香港演藝學院攻讀榮譽學士學位。

Contact Whatsapp - 55437202 [email protected] Introduction I have been coaching for High school, college , church , and badminton club over 10 year in San Francisco USA, if anyone of yo

Maths Science Tutor (Cambridge Graduate) One-to-one tailor-made classes enable students to explore course materials in greater breadth and depth at their own pace at our center located at Windsor Ho
教學進修 / 補習Cambridge Tutor


私人教授結他, 畢業於美國著名音樂學府 Musicians Institute, Hollywood US.- 20年以上全職教學經驗- 曾任英國Rockschool 及Trinity音樂考試翻譯員

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